PROFESSIONALLY DRIVEN: Empower EVERY Educator to Redefine PD
With a foreword by DAVE BURGESS!
Great read for educators at any level looking to improve outcomes for all learners! In
Professionally Driven Jarod highlights the challenges of a one size fits all PD model and shares both insights and strategies to move towards more personalized, relevant learning experiences that empower educators to create powerful learning for their students.
- Katie Martin, Author of Learner Centered Innovation
and 2018 ISTE Keynote Speaker

Traditionally in education, the letters PD have stood for an antiquated, one-size-fits-all form of professional development inflicted upon educators. Mandated to flock to the same location at the same time, they sit and get the same thing...whether they need it or not. Just mention the words professional development, and you’ll get groans, eye rolls, and deflated educators in response.
Now, educators worldwide are on a mission to foster a movement toward personalized professional development and opportunities for true adult learning. With useful educational technology and a philosophy focused on a growth mindset, intrinsic motivation, and sustainable autonomy, the momentum is growing.
In “Professionally Driven: Empower EVERY Educator to Redefine PD” Jarod Bormann shows us exactly how to effectively implement personalized PD using his successful model. It’s the most extensive explanation anywhere. As a leader in the movement, Jarod lets us in on the process to redefine the letters educators traditionally dread into a true description of the best version of our educator selves - PROFESSIONALLY DRIVEN.
It is time to rethink adult learning and implement a model that helps create energized educators and leads to empowered student learners. Get your copy today and discover how to help yourself and your colleagues redefine PD while leading all educators to be PROFESSIONALLY DRIVEN.
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I have been involved in education for almost 20 years and feel that the Professionally Driven model is what I have been waiting for when it comes to continuous learning and professional growth.
- Meg Frideres @MegFrideres
I'm far from an avid reader. 10 years as a teacher and I couldn't put this down. Amazing book.
- Amazon reviewer, pennalu
As a self-proclaimed ‘PD Geek,’ this book perfectly aligns with the vision I have for PD for myself and the staff I work with. This is truly the direction PD should go in all schools, and this book is the perfect boost to the confidence any school would need to implement Professionally Driven PD. GREAT read.
- Amazon reviewer, Ashley J. Pruismann
While reading his book, I felt like I was able to connect with Jarod, because he comes from the classroom. He knows what PD generally is. With this book, I was able to change my mindset from "professional development" to #professionallydriven. If you are a coach, teacher, or administrator I recommend this book to you, because it is empowering. Through this book Jarod will walk you through the process of developing a Growth Mindset and applying it to the Professionally Driven Model for PD. If you are looking to empower those around you, intrinsically, start your journey today with this book!
- Brett Miller @bmiller_FSTS
Jarod brings a customizeable blue print for PD that empowers educators to own their PD journey. An easy read with right now strategies and steps for redesigning PD. This isn’t a hypothetical plan, but a vetted framework that is rooted in research, as well as real life success stories.
You are sure to be energized and hungry for starting your own professionally driven journey after this read.
- Andrew Fenstermaker @a_fenstermaker