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What is a #MasterLearner?

Whenever I go out and speak about the Professionally Driven model, I aways try to reiterate this message:

Professionally Development shouldn't create Master Teachers; it should create Master Learners.

But what is a Master Learner?

A Master Learner knows that learning is NEVER a one-time event. They are fully aware it is a never-ending cyclical process, and a Master Learner is excited by this process.

A Master Learner actively seeks out answers to questions they ponder, no matter how much effort it may take to find the answer...or certain there may even be one.

A Master Learner never keeps their learning to themselves. They find ways to spread their understanding throughout the process of learning.

A Master Learner is addicted to the dopamine release that is a result of two synapses connecting when they make a connection in their learning.

A Master Learner encourages, implores, empowers, and incites others around them to embark on their own learning journeys.

If we create an environment where ALL adult learners are empowered to become Master Learners, then they, in turn, will create environments for students to be the same.

Keep climbing your mountain and empower others to do the same.


P.S. How do you define a #MasterLearner? Leave your definitions in the comments below.


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