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Answer the Call
This past summer, I took a family vacation to Estes Park, CO to take in some Rocky Mountain vistas, hiking, kayaking, and horseback...

PD Educator: Julie Gordon-Buccitti
Julie participated in the world-wide book study as a part of the #BookCampPD series. Follow Julie's Professionally Driven journey in her...

What is a #MasterLearner?
Whenever I go out and speak about the Professionally Driven model, I aways try to reiterate this message: Professionally Development...

PD Educator - Angie Richards
Angie Richards goes through her Reflection Phase as she shares her journey with her colleagues. Angie Richards is a HS Science teacher at...

Maintaining the Professionally Driven Environment #ProDriven
A common misconception from some is that the Professionally Driven model is a packaged "thing" that is handed over to replicate, like the...

PD Educator | Melanie Sharp
Melanie shares her journey within the Lynnville-Sully school district as part of her Reflection Phase. Click on an image to enlarge it....

Being an Educator Jungle Tiger #ProDriven
I had the opportunity to listen to Trevor Ragan three years ago and a handful of times since then. Every time we chat, I always have...

PD Educators | Toni Haskovec, Jane Miller and Kim Engels #ProDriven
Toni Haskovec, Jane Miller and Kim Engels are fourth grade teachers with the Hudson Community School District. The following is a guest...

PD Educator: Meg Frideres
Meg Frideres is a teacher and instructional coach at Nevada High School in Nevada, IA. She has recently completed her first...

Focusing on Process Over Product
For two summers now, I've had the privilege of coaching my son's traveling baseball team. The summer of 2016 was the starting point. We...
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