PD Educator | Melanie Sharp

Melanie shares her journey within the Lynnville-Sully school district as part of her Reflection Phase. Click on an image to enlarge it.
Melanie Sharp is a MS English teacher in her first year at Lynnville-Sully in Iowa. Moving from the special needs classroom, she has been working with a different group of readers, and she quickly found middle school students to be reluctant readers. So for her first Professionally Driven journey, she tackled an essential question...
"How can I get students to take an active role in reading?"
As a former MS English teacher, myself, I know how difficult this can be, and I will say it took me MUCH longer to figure out than what it took Melanie. Because her district supports the Professionally Driven model and allots the monthly time for sustained autonomous learning, Melanie was able to attack this question and see positive effects on learner outcomes more quickly.
Melanie shared her journey with me in order to reach her summit of share outside your district. Watch our conversation below and share it so it may empower other educators to maybe embark on a similar journey.
In conjunction with chatting with me, Melanie has been gracious enough to share a couple of her resources. Each one is posted as a PDF.
You can reach out to Melanie at sharp@lshawks.com.